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Montgomery County Common Pleas Court
Montgomery County Common Pleas Court

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A Legal Career of Public Service
From working at the Law Clinic at the University of Dayton School of Law as a student to beginning her legal career at Legal Aid, to twenty years of public service at the Greene and Montgomery County Prosecutor's Offices, Judge Ellis has experience in all aspects of law to be the type of judge the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court needs to keep. Her experience in representing those who cannot afford legal counsel gives her a unique insight into the financial issues of those people who appear before her.
Just as important is her work as a prosecutor - handling criminal, juvenile, and appellate cases to become well-versed in criminal law. Judge Ellis is also an expert in civil law, having been in the Civil Division of the Greene County Prosecutor's Office for over fourteen years, including ten years as the Division Chief. Judge Ellis's legal experience is exactly what all attorneys and parties could hope for in a judge deciding their case.